miércoles, 8 de diciembre de 2010


Welcome.All seekers of truth ... to those who seek a true heart change in their lives ... to all those in the silence of your heart phone call of the blessed Goddess of Wisdom ... to all those friends who really feel the need for Intimate Self-Realization of Being, we open our doors warmly Institution Litelantes and Christian Gnostic Samael (ICGLISAW).
The name of our Venerable Master Litelantes going ahead, because the ladies should be first, and do not believe that Master Samael or claim to object to the fact that his bride-Priestess in front, were proverbial for his chivalry and courtesy.
And we are Gnostics, yes, but we're also Christians, as the Gnosis is indeed primitive Christianity to hand over our Lord and Guide, the blessed Master Jesus Christ, the Divine Rabbi of Galilee, whom we adore and who revere our teachers permanently .
That is, we worship and revere both the Cosmic Christ and the Historical Christ, Jeshua Ben Pandira, "the highest Paramartasatya [inhabitant of the Absolute] that have walked this planet", "The Adorable" used to say VM Samael Aun Weor.
That is why we are Christian Gnostics for all legal purposes, and so we differ from other institutions, often do not respect one end or the other.
Our venerable institution, therefore, the three Grand Masters of Gnostic Christianity, Jesus Christ, Samael Aun Weor Litelantes.
Ours is a school of regeneration ... Therefore, we seek the truth and the wise guidance of the Blessed Masters of Light, rejecting all forms of fanaticism, mythomania, debauchery and commercialism. It is a fundamental principle of our institution did not request or require tithing or contributions. Sincerely seek to serve humanity.
Our institution (ICGLISAW) continues the Christian-Gnostic teachings of the Venerable Master Samael Aun Weor and Litelantes, seriously, order, fraternity and respect for their ideals. Therefore, in our institution respects the Second Chamber and only those involved started their practices.
In the United States and Peru, we have our sister institution to also invite you in all friendliness and courtesy, the Gnostic Christian institution Litelantes and Samael, A. C.
We deeply respect the missionaries both old and new ... Our teacher said that the oldest Missionary Grandfather was the same, ie, VM Samael, whom we all, particularly in his love that he always excused his bride-Priestess.
Indeed, the first and most enthusiastic supporter of the VM Litelantes is our own Master Samael ...
The V.M. Samael is truly the "Thunder God" is the "Lightning God" is the "Word of God," is actually the avatar of the revolutionary era of Aquarius, is the fiery "spearhead, the sword of the LORD [Iod He Vau He] ", and no one can erase that, it should be erased from the Book of Life.
Also, nobody can deny the excitement of the Masters of the bride-Priestess of the Avatar of Aquarius, not so deep affection that has always been accorded our Lord Samael Aun Weor, it would have to tear the pages of his book where he talks about it would have to maul the Fifth Gospel ...
Indeed, the first and most enthusiastic supporter of the VM Litelantes is our own Master Samael ...
The V.M. Samael is truly the "Thunder God" is the "Lightning God" is the "Word of God," is actually the avatar of the revolutionary era of Aquarius, is the fiery "spearhead, the sword of the LORD [Iod He Vau He] ", and no one can erase that, it should be erased from the Book of Life.
Also, nobody can deny the excitement of the Masters of the bride-Priestess of the Avatar of Aquarius, not so deep affection that has always been accorded our Lord Samael Aun Weor, it would have to tear the pages of his book where he talks about it would have to maul the Fifth Gospel ...
Following the Master Litelantes, this institution is to remain voluntary, and not force anyone, or are threatened with karma if you want to retire, "not even require tithing or contributions.
We insist: it is a cardinal rule of the institution does not require or ask for tithes and dues. As the Master said, here we all work, no one "eats the altar."
We are also just one student to give instructions and ask the Father together, it is written, "where two or three are gathered together in My name, there am I with them." (Matthew 18:20).
Our institution was created by precise instructions of the venerable master of the White Lodge, with his wise guidance and assistance in the year 2001, in San Antonio Texas, USA.
The organization argues that human beings have within itself all the elements to achieve self-realization of being, and harmony with nature and the cosmos.
States that the basis of human society is respect for the rules governing life in society and all ways of believing or thinking, so that makes no distinction of race, sex, nationality, education or belief.
Recognized as fundamental service to humanity, love of neighbor and universal charity, and as the ultimate, intimate self-realization of our True Self
Consequently, we devote the necessary time to study the doctrine of Gnosis, objectives and key elements for the awakening of consciousness, doing meditation and prayer that is the balm that brings us closer to God and his forces.
As part of our activities, we give lectures on:Prayer and worship.
• Buddhist Meditation and Christian (Buddha and Christ complement).• Correction of the individual sexual (sex transcendental).• Ancient human cultures and their sacred teachings.• holy exercises of the ancient Aztecs, Mayans, Norse, Greek, Egyptian, Tibetan lamas, etc..• Experience astral and other dimensions.• Works with different elemental kingdoms of Nature.• The revolution of consciousness (awareness-Christ).• Mysteries of life and death, etc.• All public lecture is accompanied by practice (a part of theory and a practice), appropriate course-level studentChristian-Gnostic Institution respects all religions, avoid fanaticism, look for what unites the religions and not what the difference; treasures the wisdom of East and West, truly universal, seeks the synthesis of the great religions of humanity .
Gladly open our doors to all people of noble heart and firm conviction that yearn to know the great mysteries of Gnostic Christians, and implement the teaching of comprehensive regeneration of the individual.
Remembering our beloved Guru, Samael Aun Weor
Nothing and no one will stop us in this journey bright and triumphant!Peace be with you: Peace Inverential!.