

Since no word from us can overcome the Word of Our Lord Samael Aun Weor, we start this Editorial with the reproduction of one of his short works, but not for short less important. God will that this message may be useful for us.

Samael Aun Weor

Maestro Samael Aun Weor



Remain valid, as if they were written yesterday, the great words of the Venerable Master Samael Aun Weor, expressed sometimes in lapidary ―knowing human nature, that doesn’t like to hear the truth― and other times giving us encouragement to continue in the path to deep Christification.

The crude reality of the facts ―as used to say our beloved Master― is that the evidence is before our eyes: His observations on this suffering humanity, made since 1964, or rather from his first work in 1950, remain true and complete.

In year 46 of the New Age of Aquarius, the root of all evil and strife remains being the “I”, the ego, the myself, as it has been said repeatedly by our Lord Buddha (The Four Noble Truths), our Lord Jesus Christ (let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me) and now our Lord Samael Aun Weor, throughout the length and breadth of his work, truly the Fifth Gospel.

The Great Manifesto ―that we now offer respectfully for you― is a synthesis of the teachings of the Lord of the Synthesis, the Buddha Maitreya, the Kalki Avatara, Lord Samael Aun Weor. Glory to His Name!

We find very simple keys to understanding the processes of dissolution of the ego, and how, with the holy help of the women, we can transform our souls in spirit, for being fulfilled with the grace of the Holy Spirit. No other thing desires for us the Masters of the White Brotherhood and the Avatars or incarnations of Vishnu, as the Hindus say.

However, this humanity is steadily dedicated to slander, vengeance and war, instead of praying, meditation and the direct action to help our neighbor out, this is the charity, which is intended by the Lords of Light when deliver us these teachings, roots of great religions.

This situation is plainly clear in all groups, covens, sects, philosophies and religions, because if we, ourselves, were to dedicate to walk firmly on the path which teaches each one of them, would utter peace in the world and we could communicate freely with the angels and elementals of nature, we could talk the purest Orto of the gods as the ancients said, a single golden language, and would seen wonders on the face of the earth...

The harsh reality is different, as we know: If there is no individual change, there is not collective change, if no inner peace, no peace outside. If the ego dominates egoic facts we shall do, as without the slightest doubt we see every day.

The signs of the times announced by the Master Samael are visible, everywhere we see wars and rumors of wars, diseases and unknown and puzzling epidemics, and does not take to be sage or prophet to realize that simply removing the nuclear device to the rocket the problem is not eliminated, it is much like taking the charger to the automatic pistol: at any time can be recharged ...

To that end, let’s remember the words of our Guru:

“Aquarian Age is coming and we need to open all the powers, is about the era of light and we  need to awake all the powers. More than ever we must now be practical ―and practical, I insist― hundred percent. “

“The time of be theorizing is past brothers. Now terrible events come to mankind, and it is good that we be ready.” (Lecture: Matter, Energy, Mantras)

The circumstances both Christic (internal) and social require from us incessant practice and increased tolerance and respect for all religions and philosophical or esoteric schools. We must find the binding sites rather than differences, they must be forgotten. Rather we must say: Religious of the world, unite!

Peace be with you.

Chapter I


Much has been said, much is what has been discussed about the new Aquarian Age which began on Feb. 4, 1962.

Some organizations poorly informed about Astrology assume that the Aquarian Age began before February 4, 1962. Other congregations pseudo occultists are still awaiting the start of the Aquarian Age.

Many assume that the Aquarian Age will begin after 2000, based only on every two thousand years the sun passes from one zodiac sign to another, and believe firmly believed that Jesus was born in 1 Pisces, or some years before During the Age of Aries.

Actually even when they say that Jesus was born physically 1962 or 1963 years ago, this is only an opinion, because in truth, nobody knows with absolute certainty what year Jesus was born. Thus, on the basis of Jesus' birth is impossible to know when starts the New Aquarian Age.

It would be impossible to know the starting date of the New Age, if unfortunately we did not have the book of the zodiac in our power, if we open this book, we will find a wonderful film, a splendid cosmic map, this is the cosmic map of 4 February, 1962.

Each time a new era starts, the seven planets meet in full congress in this or that cosmic zodiac sign, it happened in the past and will happen in the future, it happened on February 4th, 1962, the cosmic Congress was wonderful on February 4, 1962.

All astronomers could study this great cosmic event, everyone could see mathematically the formidable combination that took place in the constellation of Aquarius, everyone saw it, everybody check it with their telescopes and mathematics.

We must recognize that the astrologers of India sadly mistaken, believing that this combination of worlds would be held in the constellation of Capricorn, just based on their erroneous calculation, these astrologers prophesied the end of the world on that date, we in our Message of Year One of the Aquarian Age, warned that those who think and prophesied would become a laughing matter worldwide.

We cite the following paragraphs about the above message:

“The astrologers who assume that this conjunction will take place in the sign of Capricorn and not in Aquarius, in fact will be confounded and ashamed before the learned astronomers of the four corners of the Earth.

Also exist many ignorant pseudo-astrologers who assume that on that date the fourth of February, will end the world. That's what discredit astrology, these are the charlatans. “

The events gave us the reason because the logic was on our side. The Hindustanis said the goddess Kali saved the world, but journalists who know sharpen it all, said that the Goddess Kali saved the world but did not save the astrologers. For all these mistakes in the calculations, is miserably discredited a science as old as the world, that's really unfortunate.

The reality, the harsh reality is that we are in the Aquarian Age, this age is governed by the explosive Uranus, lord of the house of Aquarius. Inevitably comes a total change in all sorts of things.

Science, philosophy, art and religion should unite completely in the light of Gnosis.

The policy will go through tremendous transformations, atomic wars have inevitably to produce many cataclysms, and finally a horrible and terrible cataclysm that will destroy the Aryan race.

This event is not the first nor the last. Remember the Atlantean humanity and the Atlantean continent. The archaic traditions say that the Atlanteans were using a mysterious force called “Vril” whose abuse led the revolution axis of the Earth, changing ocean bed and the submergence of Atlantis. This energy, the Vril, is the same atomic energy.

The disintegration of the atom eventually cause the disintegration of the atom chain, the result is traced back to planet Earth to the archaic past. Since that distant past the nature came to work with of molecular cohesion forces, now we work with its antithesis, with the forces of atomic disintegration, that means back into chaos, into the nebula, and therefore updating of the old archaic cataclysms.

The facts are giving us the reason, logic is on our side. Everywhere the earth is shaking, tremoring in the Americas, Europe, the Middle East, Asia, Africa, Oceania, at the bottom of the seas, and so on, are unleashed horrific hurricanes that devastate cities, children are born monsters everywhere, are unknown diseases that science can not cure, and so on.

This is the result of the atomic explosions, fortunately scientists still have not been able to split the electron, unfortunately they try and finally will succeed, that it will be more severe, when they achieved the destruction will be terrible and even overtake the mental world, then the infinite terror will reigns supreme on the planet earth.

The entrance of the Sun in Aquarius is wonderful and terrible at the same time. Uranus is explosive and hugely revolutionary and intellectual animal so-called man is not prepared to handle such kind of forces so explosive and revolutionary.

Any bad square or planetary conjunction et future, may be enough to fully identify the man with the negative ray of Uranus, for sure the result will be the atomic war which will cause the great planetary cataclysm after some time of terrible earthquakes and horrific events.

Men who hate the war have worked for peace since ancient times, but every effort has been futile, all campaigns for peace are useless, all the propaganda for peace is futile.

Actually, all the lectures and peace treaties are nothing but hypocrisy and mental laziness of those who refuse to work on themselves to achieve inner peace.

The war is due to many causes that man knows, some of these cases are within the man, others are outside of man.

Wars are caused by planetary influences, cosmic forces, just any bad position of the stars, or cosmic catastrophe,  to millions of people will going to war, man is unable to resist because frankly those cosmic forces, because still is not a man, if were really a man, will resist such tremendous cosmic forces and then there would be not wars, unfortunately the man still can not do anything, the so called man is simply a machine driven by cosmic forces.

Only the Being can do, and the man has not the Being, the man has only within the “I”, and this is not the Being. We must distinguish between the “I” and the Being. The “I” is multiple, is legion; the Being is full, unitotal.

The “I” is composed of thousands of small “I”s separated from each other, often unknown to each other and even make war with each other mutually. Man is a plurality and his real name is legion.

Still the so-called man really has no definite individuality, the named man has not yet a own Being, unique, man is divided into small legion of “I”s.

These “I”s are vying for supremacy, each of them wants to be master. Every desire, courage, the good weather, the cold, every thought, gives birth to new “I”s.

The factors of the war are within us, the “I”s of greed, cruelty, selfishness, hatred, etc., are within man himself. When these “I”s are dissolved, based on understanding and holiness, when the man holds the sacred fire, then you have embodied your true Being

Only the Being can overcome planetary influences, only the Being can handle those cosmic forces that produce war.

Only who have the Being can be called real man.

Unfortunately, the intellectual animal is a machine asleep by catastrophic influences of the cosmos, the whole machine responds to the force that moves it, millions of intellectual animals go to war, prompted by secret forces that are unaware, under these conditions is clear and logical that the explosive forces of Uranus must bring inevitable nuclear war, the facts will prove our assertions.

The worst part is that no propaganda for peace will work. No organization working for peace can bear good fruit.

The most respected organizations working for peace, on behalf of peace have declared war, then what?, how are we?

Currently exist in the world peace armies at war, that's tragic and horrible, but true.

We must face the problem of peace from another angle altogether different, we must approach the study of man in a frank, sincere and definitive way, if we really want peace, only achieving true inner peace can overcome the influences that cause war.

The Universal Christian Gnostic Movement, understanding what it means to enter to the constellation of Aquarius is proposed to establish a new order that is in tune with Uranus in a harmonious, clear and definitive way.

The Gnostic Movement seeks to create a new age of conscious peace.

The Gnostic Movement is fighting for intimate self-realization of man, because understands that only through intimate self-realization of man can overcome the adverse cosmic influences that cause war.

The Gnostic Movement is forming a new group of real men, capable of fighting against human barbarism, those entering the Gnostic Movement will become true champions of peace, after achieved their intimate self-realization.

Therefore it is self-realization the only thing can give us true peace…

The entrance of the Sun in Aquarius requires intimate self-realization. Congregation is urgently needed, or better said a new group of people of truly self-realized men to establish a new order and save the world.

The Great White Lodge of Secret Tibet is going to try a new era of peace, and the Universal Christian Gnostic Movement, is the vehicle of expression for the White Lodge founded for this purpose and intent.

Mankind is totally lost, but the White Lodge of Secret Tibet, it is proposed to make one last effort to save the lost, this is like a patient who is already about to die and yet the doctor gives him medicine and makes which can even when the case is lost.

Chapter II


Students from all pseudo-esoteric and pseudo-occult schools trust someday reach the perfection and the final liberation by the law of evolution.

We the Gnostics can not never deny the law of evolution, it would be absurd to deny the law of evolution. There is also the law of involution, evolution and involution, these two mechanical laws can be processed simultaneously in all nature. We can not deny those two laws, but we can not logically accept that the mechanic can lead us to intimate self-realization.

No mechanics can self-awake, no mechanism can self-realize intimately. The self-realization can only be the result of a conscious and positive work on ourselves and no mechanical law can do for us this task.

We believe in evolution and believe in involution, but we do not, we can not ever believe, we can not accept, that the mechanical law of evolution ever may self-awake our consciousness and mechanically lead us to the deep inner self-realization.

Many living species are the product of evolution and many others are of involution. For example, dog, donkey, home lizard and many species of monkeys, chimpanzees, and so on, are species that have resulted from involution and which are in clear regression. The horse, eagle, etc., are the result of evolution.

It also happens that many species evolve for some time and then regress, degenerate.

Much has been said about the cannibals and savages in the deep jungles, pseudo-esoteric and pseudo-occultists students and many Darwinists completely bottled up in the dogma of evolution, assume that these tribes are primitive men in the process of evolution.
Nothing could be further from the absurd assumption, really the wilds are the result of involution, degeneration, these breeds are of other races and civilizations.

The cannibals and primitive savages have, behind them, glorious ancestors and formidable traditions. They really come from people who reached the pinnacle of civilization.

Ants and bees, which many pseudo-occultists supposes are frankly and positively species in evolution, really are creatures in total involution process. In archaic times before appeared on earth the intellectual animal mistakenly called man there were, according with tradition tells us, a race of semi-gods and titans. There is no race don’t remember their traditions on these semi-gods and Titans, the unfortunate thing is they were the first Marxist-Communist type try outs. These races proposed to create a communist society and they succeeded, they started to ban all religion and establish bloody dictatorships.

At first it took great intellectual efforts and will of steel to create a communist-style society, then it all turned mechanic, free enterprise was destroyed as a result it was useless to think, a body that is not used atrophies, these people stopped using intelligence and brain atrophied after mechanical movements became hereditary, passed down through families instinctively.

The centuries passed, civilizations were born and died, were born and died several stone ages, these creatures regressed, they were becoming smaller, their shapes were altered over the centuries, the social movements type Marxist Communist are following inheriting.

Today we were amazed by the perfect organization of an anthill or a beehive, only regret that these species will no longer have the brilliance of the past. Bees and ants are really glorious descendants of pre-human races who committed the mistake of creating a Marxist socialist society.

The evolution and involution are totally mechanical laws, these laws exist, but bad, wrong, is to attribute to such laws factors they don’t have.

It is urgent to understand that only revolution of conscience can lead us to intimate self-realization.

The path of the razor's edge is the path of true revolution. This path is the one with all the means to develop hidden possibilities of man, we must recognize that very few are those who get in the way of intimate revolution, this indicates how difficult and rare it is found at the world men with all their possibilities and fully developed.

The development of these possibilities is not a law. The tragic and grim law that exists for the intellectual animal called man, is living within the circle of mechanical forces, becomes a man-machine.

The leading path to the development of all divine possibilities is totally revolutionary, we have to go against the nature and draw the sword to fight against her dark powers. We must fight against everything that exists, against the cosmos and against ourselves, this explains why the path of the razor's edge is so difficult and laborious.

The path of the razor's edge is the path to inner revolution. This path is the opposite of ordinary life, to every days life, really ordinary life, even when be full of scientific, philosophical and social interest, only leads to death.

The man is full of possibilities that may remain without any development and may even disappear at all if doesn’t have the courage to get on the path of intimate revolution.

This about the intimate self-realization is contrary to the interests of nature, and when a man decides to enter in the path of revolution, nature throws against him all the dark powers, really the nature needs of man-machine, but is needed as it is with the exception of his wickedness, man-machine is really necessary for the economy of organic and inorganic kingdoms.

The man is in relation to the Great Nature, which the liver or brain cells are for the entire human body, nature uses man for her organic purposes machine and then swallow him in the Avitchi (Abyss, Infernus). If all mankind is self-realized, would have a balance of planet Earth and a terrible catastrophe, is therefore very difficult and completely impossible to think that all human beings will self-realize.

Only the individual can self-realize, however it is rare to find an individual who really is willing to get in the way of radical, total, absolute revolution.

The worst thing is that nobody is obliged to help, this is a matter entirely of its own, individual, intimate, and now we will better explain those words said by Christ: “Many are called but few are chosen”, or this one that says “Of a thousand that I seek. one I found; of a thousand that I find one follows me; of a thousand who follow me, one is mine.” [Bahagavad Gita]

Everyone repeats these phrases, everyone is perfectly convinced to understand they, but we must look with the lantern of Diogenes the one who really may understand they 

absolutely and totally, all believe chosen and only with the fingers of the hand can count the elect, it is rare to find in the world one chosen.

Actually the whole humanity will be swallowed by the abyss. Very few will be saved.

The Gnostic Movement understanding this awful truth aims to teach the world the real, honest and sincere path of legitimate and authentic inner revolution.

The Gnostic Movement wants to save who wants to be saved, whom resolve to leave the pride of believing wise.

Chapter III


The intellectual animal called man has no soul. The intellectual animal really has only psychic material to make the soul, the intellectual animal should manufacture soul.

We must distinguish between the “I” and the soul, “I” is not the soul, the “I” is not divine, the “I” is not immortal, the “I” continues after death and is reincarnated to meet vices, passions and desires, that's all.

Each incarnation is a repetition of the acts of our past lives, plus its good and bad consequences.

The “I” is pluralized. The ego is legion of demons that continue beyond the grave. The body of the “I” is the desire body.

After death, the “I” in its body of desires continues and is reincarnated to satisfy their passions.

The root of bitterness is the “I”. The root of ignorance is the “I”. Being born is pain, death is pain, life is pain, the “I” is really the source of pain.

The ego is legion of devils legion of “I”s, within a person there are many, many “I”s. The bad-informed pseudo-occultists believe that we have one mind.

We really have thousands of minds, each small “I” of the legion which make up the “I” has his mind, ideas and own projects. The man has not yet individuality, uniqueness, unity. The called man is a legion of devils, that's all.

I know we're talking in terms that the pseudo-sapient don’t like, but what can we do?, we must speak the truth frankly.

Nobody likes the truth but we must tell the truth, people thinks has a soul when in fact only has within the Satan (the “I”). The Satan, the legion of “I”s, the ego, awkwardly wastes the mind material, the psychic material, in atomic explosions of anger, greed, lust, pride, envy, sloth, gluttony, etc.

From nothing, nothing may turn out, if the “I” spent the raw material, the psychic material, it is clear that we can not make soul. Who does not make soul is devoured by the abyss, in time, in hour. “For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world treasures, and lose his own soul?”.

It really only exists one system to make a soul, this system is to dissolve the “I”. Dieing the “I” there is no spendthrift, then the psychic material accumulates within becoming a permanent center of consciousness. That center is called soul. That's soul, we need to make soul.


The “I” will not be dissolved nor with feigned meekness poses nor with stupid fanaticism, it is necessary to make the dissection with the scalpel of self-criticism. We must learn to criticize ourselves, we need self-criticism.

The ego is a book of many lathes, we must study this book carefully if we really want to dissolve the “I” and make soul.

The first thing we need is self-observe ourselves carefully to discover our own shortcomings, the second is intellectually analyze our shortcomings, the third thing is to meditate deeply on them to discover how they behave in various levels of mind, remember that the mind has many depths normally we ignore.

Many saints that here in the physical world astonished the world because their holiness, continued at other levels of the mind to being great sinners, and when they discovered it, suffered a lot and wore sack and hair shirt, and fasted and did large and frightening penance, these saints almost always failed when were tested in the upper worlds.

We need to die from moment to moment, only in death comes the new, each time is fully understand a defect, in the inner worlds is disintegrated the “I” that personify it, each time an “I” is disintegrated come to us something new, a power, a truth, a virtue, etc., etc.

Not is saying I will be charitable, truthful, honest, chaste, peaceful, as you will have these virtues, these virtues really are born in us as a result of deep understanding, if we understand deeply what is cruelty, will be born in us charity.
If we understand deeply what is falsehood, falsehood, it is clear who will be born in us the fervent desire to always tell the truth and nothing but the truth, and so on with all the virtues, all of which comes to us when we understand deeply our own mistakes.

Only self-observation base deep intellectual analysis and a perfect meditation, we can fully understand each of our shortcomings. In vain we can say a thousand times, I will be chaste, temperate, peaceful, selfless, and so on., If not fully understand our shortcomings at all levels of the mind.

If I want to dissolve the pluralized we leave we perorgullo of good and holy, those who have read theosophy, Rosicrucianism, Spiritualism, etc.., Had a strong tendency to believe good, charitable, pure, and so on.

These people unwittingly fighting for self-preserving self, fail to recognize their own mistakes, are worse than the so-called secular because they at least do not create saints, nor boast virtuous.

We really have to start from scratch if we dissolve the ego, the myself, the reincarnating ego.

Like it or not like, the truth is that we are devils, evil people.

If we deny the awful truth is impossible to dissolve the “I”.

If we accept this awful truth began to die immediately from moment to moment.

We must remember that among the incense of prayer also hides the crime, the scent of courtesy also hides the crime, including the miraculous cadence of a verse also hides the crime.

Crime really is disguised as a saint, a teacher, a hermit, a penitent, priest of charity, perfect, and so on.

If we want to dissolve I must resolve to self-explore deep into all levels of mind, we need to be honest with ourselves, be honest in life and not boast of good or holy because we are all really wicked.

What we have said is hard, very hard, too hard, and you may not like the hypocrites, but it's true and if we do not recognize it is absolutely impossible to dissolve the “I”.

We must speak out, we must speak frankly about these things if we really want people to understand what is the technique of the dissolution of self.

Chapter IV


The soul may be mortal or immortal, that depends on ourselves.

All kinds of sins will be forgiven except the sin against the Holy Spirit. Who sins sexually sins against the Holy Spirit. Whoever commits adultery, sins against the Holy Spirit. Who hates sex and renounces it, sins against the Holy Spirit.

Many pseudo-occultists say I care only for what I have from the waist up, because I have the waist down is bestial, animal, sex is bestial, disgusting, animal, absurd, and so on., Etc.

People who speak well, people who think this way, blaspheming the Holy Spirit, insult the Third Logos, bring more perfect than the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit is really the same force that infrasexuales degenerate sexual and profane hate. The laboratory of the Holy Spirit is in the same organs creators.

The Holy Spirit was sent by the Father to strengthen the soul, to awaken all his fiery powers, to open each of the seven churches.

Who rejects the Holy Spirit rejects the Father.

Anyone who rejects sex as one who wants to castrate the Sun and then castrated himself.

We must transform the soul and spirit is only possible knowing consciously use sexual fire of the Holy Spirit.

It is urgent to build spirit, man has not called spirit.

The spirit is high heat, fire resulting from the transmutation, we need to transmute our sexual energy into light and fire, all in the. Life costs something, nothing is achieved given the price of manufacturing is very high spirit, must give up to eternity to enjoy spilling the semen, this is death for the animal and therefore do not like, you can not ever like such a sacrifice.

It is therefore not surprising that many read these lines say: I do not accept this teaching, that is harmful, unnatural, etc.., Etc., The ego defends and justifies his self fornication a thousand ways.


The sex-yoga techniques are known by the name of Tantrism. There Tantrism black, gray and white.

In black Tantrism there seminal ejaculation and the result is fatal because the yogi becomes black magician.

In Gray Tantrism not attach much importance to the issue of seminal ejaculation and sometimes the yogi ejaculates, as others do not ejaculate, that Tantrism key inevitably degenerate into black.

There is also white Tantrism, it is used by initiates of the great White Lodge to reach the adept practical.

We therefore speak of the latter kind of Tantrism, it is the only that can be used for making spirit.

The theory of White Tantrism is to convert poison into medicine. For poison means the use of women and spirits.

In some texts Brahmins of India of the Vedas sacred sexual union is considered equivalent to a divine sacrifice and the woman or her sexual organs, like fire, which gave this sacrifice.

In one of these texts (the Sharapata-Brahmins) is telling the woman: “If you choose to use me to the sacrifice, which grant you any boon that invoke through me.”

Rare are those who can understand these words of the woman Brahamín really when we are working with the Third Logos have the power to create and order, the intelligent can ask the awakening of consciousness and awaken their conscience.

A god and praying with the big stick, we can ask and at the same time give our deep inner awareness, command prevailed, saying phrases like: “my consciousness, awake, my conscience, no more lull. Each order must be given with pleasure, with feeling, with deep longing.

The result is the awakening of consciousness. During sleep, the devotee will start to feel conscious, awake, able to say, I'm in the inner worlds, my physical body is sleeping on his bed, the initiate can live consciously in the higher worlds, become a conscious citizen of the cosmos, splitting problem will have been fully resolved.

Tantric Buddhism teaches that only women can attain nirvana. It is also true that women only with the male can attain nirvana.

The main feature of Tantrism is to follow a special technique during intercourse to achieve the perfect ecstasy, this technique is based on “coitus reservatus” ie, sex without reaching the ejaculation of semen, this practice is what is India's sacred flame in the Maithuna.

Before Maithuna, the Hindu yogi yogin and pass through a difficult time preparing esoteric ... A text states the rule that a man must go first six months and look forward to his adoring wife and sleeping with her in bed for three months his right and three on his left, but without sexual contact, only after those six months you can practice Maithuna.

Tantric texts clearly say that even if the semen is about to be ejaculated, the yogi must keep him and not to spill through special efforts.

In a text is recommended to stop breathing at the time already come to orgasm. The book says: “If the suspended student will not spill your breath semen, even if it embraces the most attractive young women.”

It is with this practice as Hindu yogis really started, achieving ecstasy perfect and reach nirvana, with Maithuna Kundalini is awakened, the Kundalini is actually the same fire of the Holy Spirit, the Pentecostal fire.

Maithuna practice amounts to ride the tiger. Only those who know how to ride the tiger awakens the Kundalini and bring it to its full and final development.

The igneous serpent of our magical powers sound asleep curled up three and a half inside a magnetic center located in the coccyx.

When the snake comes out of his waking magnetic center and up the spinal canal slowly awakening all igneous powers that are latent in the soul, this is how it becomes omnipotent and powerful.

Kundalini is the Sacred Fire, Divine Spirit ... When the soul is fire becomes igneous, also binds to the spirit, becomes a spirit and is eternal.

It is urgent to build spirit, it is urgent to transform the soul and spirit. There is no other way to build spirit, there is no other way to make soul.

The Universal Christian Gnostic Movement realizing that does not exist, that there has been no other way to produce immortal spirit and soul back, he preaches the science of sexual yoga.

This is the essence of yoga. A yogi without the essence of yoga is like a garden without water or animal body without blood or a car without gasoline.

It is urgent to make soul, spirit is urgent manufacture. It is urgent to sacrifice for humanity, to teach others this divine science

Chapter V


Much has been made in the East about Buddha and the Buddhas, would be a long stop in the enumeration and definition of all the sweat of perfection.

In heaven there are thousands of Mahayana Buddhas not only texts but also in the temples, where the artists have played incessantly.

We have to say that every man is a Buddha truly revolutionary.

Rebel alone, man alone is capable of dissolving the ego to make soul, only man is capable of renouncing forever the ejaculation of semen to spark the fire and make spirit is truly worthy to embody their inner Buddha . “He who has given, and the more is more is given, but that does not have, even what he has will be taken away.”

All brave man, a genuine rebel becomes a Buddha.

We are talking to honest men, for men who are always ready to risk my last letter, we are not talking to imbeciles, because they hate sex and not want to dissolve the ego, we are talking to those who truly want to be thorough.

If the intellectual animal may embody the inner Buddha annihilate, could not resist the tremendous energy electrical voltage Buddha.

Just making soul and spirit can incarnate the inner Buddha.

In all schools there are individuals who read a lot but do not make anything, they do not renounce the ejaculation of semen or by all the treasures of the world, people like that, people who do not want to give up that pleasure bestial inevitably have to enter Avitchi; These people usually believe they are going very well and to assume that anyway can self-performed without having to give up his mistress fornication.

The reality is that those people inevitably come to Avitchi: Tantric Buddhism is wonderful because it teaches the Maithuna and dissolution of self.

Tantric Buddhism could never conceive of the inner Buddha refined as some kind of ego. Every teacher in samadhi (ecstasy) knows very well that the inner Buddha is beyond any kind of selfism. The inner Buddha is cosmic, universal, infinite.

Buddha taught his disciples secretly Maithuna. Buddha taught the dissolution of the ego to his disciples. Buddha taught the path of sacrifice for humanity to his disciples.

There have written millions of volumes of occult, Theosophy, Rosicrucianism, etc.., Etc., Much has been said, but the reality is that the synthesis of all knowledge is reduced to three factors: first, death, and second born, third sacrifice for humanity. The ego must die.

Inner Buddha to be born in us, we love humanity and preached everywhere the doctrine of good law.

The Gnostic movement, aware of these three basic factors of the revolution of conscience, fight the good fight against the darkness of error. The Gnostic Movement wants all human beings have souls, like men with soul, struggling to raise awareness.

The Gnostic movement is not against any religion, concise, sect. The Gnostic movement only aims to teach all humans path of the razor's edge.

We are fighting to save the drowned man's hat, that's all, no matter how people criticize us and insult us, do not care if people speak against us, what we care about is saving those who are left to save, and others, that the devil take them, beyond them, each one is which.

Chapter VI


Here we are into the year 1963 of the Christian Era, the second year. Aquarian Age and yet people do not know what it is the Christ, much as Christ loves, too much blood shed in the name of Christ, inquisitions, killings in the name of Christ, operating on behalf of Christ, on behalf violations of Christ, etc..

Christian is really very difficult. Being a Christian means having to be a Christian.

Being a Christian means to have soul and spirit, possessing only Being who already has to really be able to live according to the teachings of Christ.

Satan, I never pluralized can not live according to the teachings of Christ. Satan is Satan and that's all.

There are seven types of men:

First, instinctive and brutal man.

Second, emotional and sentimental man.

Third, intellectual man.

Fourth man who begins to look spiritual life and listening to the initiated.

Fifth, man who has already produced soul and spirit.

Sixth, self-made man but I residues.

Seventh, totally self-made man and without waste of self.

On the basis of human society sevenfold we classify the seven scales of Christianity.

First stop: External surface man who is content to watch only religious ceremonies but not in the least understand.

Second Scale: purely emotional and sentimental man, this class of men are crying as soon before the saints of their devotion, as soon as inquisitorial fires burning rise living to which they consider heretics, religious wars have always caused by this class men.

Third Scale: religious intellectuals who want to interpret the Scriptures from an intellectual point but enlightened insight, much less intuitive, this class of people abounds among Protestants, Adventists, Anglican, Jehovah's Witnesses, etc.., Etc., Etc.

Fourth Scale: this class of people is very abundant in all schools of Theosophy, Rosicrucianism, Yoguismo, like Christianity Rosicrucian Max Heindel, spirituality, etc.. Are people who are beginning to fight for his true inner self-realization.

Fifth class: very serious mistakes Christians but Christians.

Sixth class: perfect Christians but who are struggling to eliminate much waste pluralized ego.

Seventh level: Christians absolutely perfect. Christians without waste of self. Large fully self-realized teachers.

This same order, these same seven scales of religiosity can be applied to Buddhism and all major religious faiths.

Cristiano absolutely perfect which can only be reached venusta initiation.

All Buddha to renounce the bliss of nirvana for the sake of humanity, after much suffering can reach the initiation venusta.

The Buddha achieved this initiation Jesus, Jesus received the initiation venusta to the Jordan, when John baptized him, at that moment of baptism, the resplendent Dragon of Wisdom, that is the Intimate Christ, incarnate in Jesus.

John also is a Christ because John also embodied the Intimate Christ. The Venerable Master of Wisdom Kout Humi is also incarnated the Christ because Christ. Hermes, Buddha, Quetzalcoatl, Zarathustra, Krishna, Lao Tse and many great Avatars are embodied in Christ because Christ.

Christ really is not an individual human or divine. Christ is a cosmic substance, universal, infinite. Paul of Tarsus, invites us to form Christ within us, ie invites us to assimilate into the human body and in soul and spirit of this wonderful substance called Christ.

What we are saying in these lines men never accept the first, second and third type, the men of the fourth type begin to accept the fifth type of fully accept it and struggling to do it practically. The sixth type already performed in a relative way, but only what men have done absolutely the seventh type, the Hermes, the Quetzalcoatls, the Zarathustra, etc.

Christ is the Solar Logos. Logos is the Multiple Perfect Unity. In the Logos no individuality or ego, we are all one in Him. He is the Army of the Voice, the Great Word, the Word.

Much has been said about Jesus of Nazareth and the street have appeared many false Christs, a congenital liar recently took it into his head the idea that he was Jesus Christ. He grew a beard and hair, put aside his jacket, trousers and vest, took off his shoes and put on sandals, and then trumpeted from the rooftops that he was Jesus Christ, of course not without some people simple and gullible that they believed him to literally everything he said, one black Tantrism mythomaniac taught, wrote several books and founded an organization of individuals who spilled the semen (fornicators unredeemed).

Fortunately as this impostor congenital liar ceased to exist after having done great harm to the poor suffering humanity, the funny thing is that every time a false Christ dies the people who still justify the deaths by saying: “A little bit and not see me and again a little, and you will see me: because I go unto my Father. “

It is amazing to see how dark the words fit the Gospel, how to trick people into using deception to the very words of Jesus the Christ, the words of one whose mouth never was any deceit.

The Divine Rabbi of Galilee, bluntly warned us saying: “If anyone says to you, here is the Christ, or there, believe it not. For false Christs and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders, so as to deceive if possible even the elect. “(Verses 23-24, chap. 24 Matthew).

Actually chosen can be counted on the fingers because you can only elect to consider producing soul and spirit.

In the nirvana of perfection are many Buddhas that have not yet reached the initiation venusta.

When a Buddha renounces the happiness of nirvana for the sake of humanity reaches the initiation venusta. Then portrays his resplendent Dragon of Wisdom (The Intimate Christ).

Whoever wants to achieve total Christification must be revolutionary.

The path of the razor's edge is completely revolutionary.

Every true revolutionary becomes a Buddha. Every true revolutionary becomes a Christ.

Chapter VII

Universal Christian Gnostic MOVEMENT

The Gnostic movement is lumisiales (sanctuaries), learning centers established in many countries of the earth, this movement is not against any school, religion, order or sect.

The Gnostic movement struggles to start the new Aquarian Age., And indeed their own right to being started, among the August throne of thought.

There is no need to leave religion to enter the Movement, within the Gnostic Movement there are many individuals belonging to different religions, schools and sects.

The doctrine is teaching the Gnostic movement is the doctrine of synthesis, this is New Age doctrine.

The Gnostic movement and genuine and legitimate Kummenes Rosicrucian Gnostic school, are intimately linked. The Founding President of the Gnostic Movement is an initiate of the Rosicrucian Temple Kummenes.

The Temple Kummenes it is internal and can only be reached in the astral body. All schools pseudo-Rosicrucians Rosicrucians or the physical world are only aspiring Rosicrucian schools, because in the physical world there is no real and genuine Rosicrucian school.

The Gnostic Church and the authentic Rosicrucian Temple school Kummenes are intimately linked.

The Gnostic Movement Shield is the Lion of the Law with five stars representing the Buddha Maitreya, the fifth Buddha, the fifth Avatara, the initiator of the New Age.

In front of the constellation Aquarius have to Leo, the polar opposite of Aquarius, which will define in full the entire future of Aquarius.

The symbol of the authentic and legitimate Kummenes Rosicrucian Gnostic School, is the rose on the cross is necessary for the pink blossom of the spirit in our cross.

If we analyze the constitution of man, we find the seven principles comprising:

1. Physical body.
2. Vital Body.
3. Emotional body.
4. Mind.
5. Will.
6. Consciousness.
7. Intimate.

In summary these principles are reduced to four. The only life is the upper physical, so the first is the physical body. The second body becomes the astral, the mental third, and fourth, the body of conscious will.

The sixth and seventh principles embodied in us when we have the four bodies, the perfect cross. These sixth and seventh principles are really the pink spirit that should flourish in the perfect cross.

Certainly the intellectual animal, astral body has not. Just the desire body within which is the legion of self.

That having astral body is a luxury that few can afford. A man can live very well without astral body, physical body has all the functions necessary for life.

A man without astral body can produce the impression of being too intellectual, even spiritual, when really only has a desire body in which I live (Satan).

The astral body is born with only Maithuna (sexual magic).

The astral body are only angels and teachers.

The third body is the mental, the common man has many minds because every me, every devil, has his mind, the mental real legitimate forms within the astral, born with the Maithuna.

The fourth body is that of the conscious will, the modern man, ie the intellectual animal has no conscious will, simply wishes to focus on this or that will address are called incorrectly.

The true body of conscious will arises in the mental practicing Maithuna. (sexual magic).

The seeds of these four bodies are within the seminal system.

Only with Sexual Magic can germinate, birth every one of these bodies, when we have the four bodies, the inner Buddha incarnate in us, the pink blossoms on his cross. True Rosicrucian only a Buddha, a Christ. All others are aspiring Rosicrucians.

Christian terminology and define these four bodies: flesh body, natural body, spiritual body and divine body.

The fleshly body is controlled by forty-eight laws. The natural body is controlled by twenty-four laws. The spiritual body is controlled by twelve laws. The divine body is controlled by six laws.

Whoever rejects the Maithuna (sexual magic) can not create within itself the astral, mental and body conscious will, because of nothing, nothing comes out, as well as creative energy born physicist, and also by sexual creative energy, are born superior vehicles.

Actually only real man who has the perfect cross, the four perfect vehicles. Only one man has soul and spirit. Only this is truly a man made.

The Gnostic movement realizing these truths have been proposed to teach humanity the mysteries of sex and the way of the dissolution of self.

Gnostic Rosicrucian studies are very deep and there are thousands of such studies lumisiales (tanks) Gnostic sanctuaries.

The Main Temple of Gnostic Movement is the Summum Supremum Sanctuarium beneath the earth in a deep forest of South America.

All those people looking at our books, may be attached to form Gnostic groups. Each group becomes Lumisial Gnostic.

It is urgent to inform in writing the Founding President of the Gnostic Movement Lumisial especially the refusal.

The Gnostic Movement will support everything that melts Lumisial, any group of people can associate and to meet all the group will be served by the Patriarchal See of Mexico and become Lumisial.

You study these lessons, find friends, organize a group and write to give the appointment of a Chief Lumisial.

We will send books, you will receive lessons Lumisial form his own. Consider our books, please write.