The Masters

                                                              THE MASTERS

The Venerable Master Samael Aun Weor is the instaurator in modern times of Gnostic knowledge. Since his early age he began to search for the higher knowledge. He was a disciple of the Arawaks Masters of the Sierra Nevada of Santa Marta in Colombia, and achieved the degree of Mama, or Master of that culture.

He studied Rosicrucianism, Theosophy and other branches of esoteric knowledge, until he realized that it was better to look within himself the truth, therefore became an athlete of insight meditation… Certainly he liked to meditate on the seafront, in the country, and vigorously sought the truth within himself, so he had one of the greatest joys of anyone who seek the truth, and was the meeting with his Guru, the Teacher, who from that time led him to achieve self-realization.

The Master Samael Aun Weor is the continuator of the work undertaken by the great occultists Masters, like Helena Petrovna Blavatsky and Arnoldo Krumm-Heller (Venerable Master Huiracocha), who was founder in the early twentieth century of the ancient Rosicrucian Order and the Rosicrucian Gnostic Church.

The Master Samael was the founder of the Universal Gnostic Movement, and a large number of Gnostic schools scattered throughout the world; wrote more than seventy books on esotericism, Esoteric Anthropology, Revolutionary Psychology, etc.

Among his works are The Perfect Marriage, Introduction to the Gnosis, Revolution of the Dialectic, the Magic of the Runes, The Great Rebellion, Basic Education, The Mysteries of Maya, Aztec Christ-Magic, Tarot and Kabbalah, Hermetic Astrology, etc.

For over thirty years he worked tirelessly lecturing in the main auditoriums and creating Gnostic centres, where cultivate studies of the great mysteries of esoteric Christianity. 

Master Litelantes

Samael Aun Weor left his physical body on  December 24th 1977 in Mexico City. His wife, the Venerable Master Litelantes, received from him the transmission or succession of the direction of the Gnostic Institutions, work she did admirably until his death on February 5th 1998 ...

Today V.M. Samael Aun Weor’s work has many students on five continents. Gnosticism offered to us by Master Samael Aun Weor is the inner change, the self-awareness, understanding and eliminating our own defects of character, called by the Egyptians: "The red demons of Seth" and allegorised in the Bible by the seven demons that the Great Master Jesus Christ took out of the body of Mary Magdalene.

The Bible says the following words: "Faith without works is dead" so the Master Samael Aun Weor emphasized in the practice of the teachings of Gnosis to check the veracity of them.

Today the Christian Church and Litelantes Gnostic Samael Aun Weor, summarizes the teachings of Jesus Christ, Paul of Tarsus, the Apostle Peter, the great master alchemist of the Middle Ages, and modern Gnosis of Samael Aun Weor and Litelantes.

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The Venerable Mistress

This modern Gnosticism or Gnostic Movement, begins with the Venerable Master Huirakocha, the precursor, the announcer, and was ultimately founded by the Venerable Masters Samael Aun Weor ―Christ with passion, Red Christ of Aquarius― and Litelantes ―Virgin of the Court― his wife-priestess, with the support of the Divine Rabbi ―the Adorable― Jeshua Ben Pandira and Venerable Masters Kout Humi, Moria and the Angel Adonai.

As John the Baptist, who fed with herbs and dressed in animal skins, was the initiator, the precursor, so was the Venerable Master Huirakocha.

And also, as the Second Logos was embodied in Jeshua Ben Pandira and corrected the teaching of John the Baptist, also Venerable Master Samael Aun Weor embodied it and corrected the inaccuracies of the Venerable Master Huirakocha, because the Christic wisdom was shiningly manifested on our beloved Guru, our Master, our Lord Samael Aun Weor ...

The response of our suffering humanity remains the same:

“For John the Baptist came neither eating bread nor drinking wine; and ye say, He hath a devil. The Son of man is come eating and drinking; and ye say, Behold a gluttonous man, and a winebibber, a friend of publicans and sinners! But wisdom is justified of all her children.” (Luke 7:33-35)

“O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not! Behold, your house is left unto you desolate.” (Matthew 23:37, 38)

However, the Venerable Master of the White Brotherhood, the Brotherhood of Light, the Guardian Wall, the Conscious Circle of Humanity, do not get tired or discouraged by our ingratitude, but for the sake of Almighty are always active delivering the redeemer message to humanity through the periodic incarnations of Vishnu ―the Second Logos, the Christ―, the Divine Messengers or Avatars, as the Hindustanis says.

Over the time we realized that the Christic brightness of our beloved Master, the source of this wisdom, what really did spark the sacred-fire ―the Fohat― in the verb, intelligence, will and Christic feeling of our Lord Samael Aun Weor, was in the Virgin of the Law, his wife-priestess, the Venerable Mistress Litelantes.

She initiate him both, in the Temple of the Holy Grail of Montserrat ―where she attended from age 13― as in the Great Chain, where the Master received his first fire initiation.

She also initiate him in the manage of jinas forces, in order to fly through the airs of mystery, in the greatest mysteries of fire and of the Court... and our beloved Master so widely acknowledged that and advocated in his work and daily life.

Undoubtedly, the Fifth Gospel rightly and firmly shows that the Venerable Mistress Litelantes was the Master’s Teacher. (The Three Mountains, Major Mysteries, Occult Medicine, Igneous Rose, etc.).

Very present was the Holy Tribunal in the initiation process of our Founder and Guide, the Venerable Master Samael Aun Weor, Red Christ of Aquarius, so they sent him as his wife-priestess a daughter of our Lord Litelantes, Grand Master of the Hall of Maat.

Our blessed Mistress was the sacred flask of Master Samael Aun Weor, the alchemical crucible, where the Master received the fire, the Fohat, the burning flame of wisdom, to donate to the suffering humanity, to give us that extraordinary wisdom which remained hidden for millennia ...

Our beloved Mistress raised the Lord Samael Aun Weor to the ineffable heights of the Pleroma, into the very Arabot’s sky, the highest in the tradition, according to the Kabbalah.

Hail Litelantes, Lady of the flame, source of flame, the flickering flame of Wisdom, Teacher  of Master Samael!

Let’s recall that Master Samael himself never claimed that she had fallen, so ―with her Living Stone― was present to support him, lifting him forever, until the right moment to achieve the purest conception, the alchemical birth of that wonderful incarnation of Vishnu: the Buddha Maitreya, the Kalki Avatar of the New Aquarian Age. Hail Maitreya! (meaning: "He whose name [Word] is kindness").

Must be very special Mistress who achieves to raise a Kalki Avatara, ie that who announces the ending times when they have reached, precisely when we are living them.

Indeed it should be a very distant star and very sacrificed to come to rise a Kalki Avatara on this planet, karma of the worlds-mistake of the gods, ie the worst of the cosmos.

If, as the Master said that each of us comes from a star and so many parents like stars in the sky, in truth, must be an exceptionally bright star which was embodied in the wife-mother-priestess alchemy of Venerable Master Samael Aun Weor, the Buddha Maitreya, the Kalki Avatara of Aquarius.

Certainly, that star called Litelantes down to these dark places and rescued the ancient Gnosis when she awakened it in her husband-priest Samael Aun Weor ...

And down to us a Christified Mistress, Our Lady of the Court, who never threw her stone to the water, taking living bodies "to help those who help are not left" and lived with us, joked, made our life happy, taught us and loved us like no other person loved us ...

His legacy to humanity, his sacred legacy is as extraordinary as mysterious, inscrutable ...

However, one can say that the main gift she gave to humanity was had raised that Colossus of Alchemy, the Greatest Modern Kabbalist and Alchemist, the Transcendental Teacher, the Buddha Maitreya, the Kalki Avatar of the New Aquarian Age: the Venerable Master Samael Aun Weor. Hail, Red Christ of Aquarius!

Our Little Mother even said that the Master wrote only 5% of what he knew. When a lady insisted to speak on the remaining 95%, responded: Strive you to know it, if you can not know even of 5%, how you want to know the rest? So she taught that the truth, the terrible reality, is that we are far from knowing even the 5% of that 5% what the Master spoke, and farther still to experience.

However, at the same time taught us that the Masters want we live naturally and simply the teaching, that we have faith, so we someday achieve the great goals that they have designated for us. (With no other weapons than his faith in Jehovah Sabaoth and a small stone, David defeated Goliath).

That is what the Mistress came to teach us: To have faith, to be strong in the Lord, to die in order to see the face of the Lord, to die in our sins, egos or inner demons, therefore our Lord the Christ is born in each of us.

His teaching was from the heart, not from the intellect, not from the know-it-all, not of sanctimoniousness, not of bigotry, not of ambition, not of the exploitation of others...

Was the teaching of the burning heart with the Christic fire, the sacred fire that takes us beyond good and evil, the burning fire of rigor, severity, and in same time of forgiveness and mercy, the heart full of teaching exquisite fire of the Balance pointer, terrible fire of Love and Law.

Bless you, sacred Fohat, ineffable devouring fire, igneous rose, rose of the Christic cross, exquisite fire of our Lady Litelantes!

In truth, only with the heart we understand and live this wonderful teaching. Hearing the voice of the heart we can hear the beating of the universe, as did our beloved Mistress.

Following the magisterial teaching of our beloved Lady Litelantes, we will learn to live the life, because, as she often said: The university of life is the most difficult of all, for that we are here, to learn how to live.

Let’s recall that the Master insists that the initiation is life itself, therefore, approve that university is to achieve true initiation.

All the great Lords in the world have been, have placed a number of values in us ... May God bear fruit in our hearts!

Bless you, our Mother Litelantes! Everything will pass, but your Christic words wont pass! Your divine teaching, Your Sacred Church remains forever!

Bless you for ever, Lady Litelantes, root of the light, light of the light, blessed light, holy light, immortal light! ...

Yes, come ready with your brother Jeshua! Be the Lord of Judgement with us! Amen!

Fiat Justitia, ruat coelum!
(Justice be done even when the havens sink!)

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