Study MaterialFollowing is the first evidence of a comprehensive series of lectures, books and audios of VM Samael Aun Weor, which constitute the body of doctrine of modern Gnosticism. We also deliver works of authors such as Paracelsus, Krumm-Heller, Mario Roso de Luna, Madame Blavatsky, and others that are almost required reading for those aspiring to get into the esoteric practice.
Aztec Christic Magic
Buddha's Necklace
Supreme Christmas Message 1952 (English-Spanish
Technique for Dissolving the "I”
Esoteric treatise of hermetic astrology
Esoteric Treatise of Theurgy
For the Few
Fundamental Education
Gnostic Antrhopology
Greater Mysteries
Igneous Rose
Introduction to Gnosis
Logos Mantram Theurgy
Looking at the Mystery
Magic Runes
Manual of Practical Magic
Message of Aquarius
Treatise on Occult Medicine and Practical Magic
Buddha's Necklace
Supreme Christmas Message 1952 (English-Spanish
Technique for Dissolving the "I”
Esoteric treatise of hermetic astrology
Esoteric Treatise of Theurgy
For the Few
Fundamental Education
Gnostic Antrhopology
Greater Mysteries
Igneous Rose
Introduction to Gnosis
Logos Mantram Theurgy
Looking at the Mystery
Magic Runes
Manual of Practical Magic
Message of Aquarius
Treatise on Occult Medicine and Practical Magic
Pistis Sophia Unveiled
Tarot and Kabbalah
The Mystery of the Golden Blossom
The Parsifal Unveiled
The Perfect Matrimony
The Revolution of Dialectic
The Revolution of Beelzebub
The Secret Doctrine of Anahuac
The Seven Words
The Solar Bodies
The Three Mountains
The Yellow Book
Treatise of Sexual Alchemy
Yes there is Hell, yes there is Evil, yes there is Karma
The Book of the Dead
Zodiacal Course
4. Final catastrophe
Zodiacal Course
in order to know how to live, are the following ones:
in order to know how to live, are the following ones:
1. To dedicate ourselves in the study, meditation and praying.
2. To have willpower and good will.
3. To search for Peace.
4. To keep pleased our Internal Father.
5. To practice fidelity.
6. To respect marriage.
7. Do not pay attention to gossip either to promote them.
8. To practice tolerance.
9. To pray for the sick, foreigners, widows and orphans.
10. To have good will in thought, word and doing.
11. To have faith.
12. To have patience.
2. To have willpower and good will.
3. To search for Peace.
4. To keep pleased our Internal Father.
5. To practice fidelity.
6. To respect marriage.
7. Do not pay attention to gossip either to promote them.
8. To practice tolerance.
9. To pray for the sick, foreigners, widows and orphans.
10. To have good will in thought, word and doing.
11. To have faith.
12. To have patience.
7. Love
8. Man and the universe that surrounds him
9. Mental representations
10. Money and the three minds
8. Man and the universe that surrounds him
9. Mental representations
10. Money and the three minds
12 Precariousness of the human psyche
13. Profound meditation
14. Questions of Gnostics ladies
15. Seriousness in the esoteric work
16. The archeus
17. The avatar
18. The common-cosmic trogoautoegocrat law
19. The consequences of the comet kondoor
20. The didactic for the dissolution of the ego