

In this new section, we give specific practices for you, dear reader, so you can benefit with direct experience, with the truth of the facts, with the secrets of Mother Nature which blankets we all, and find within us those dormant powers that are characteristic of every human being ...

These powers are there waiting to be released like the genie from the bottle. Are ready to help us and provide us unexpected capabilities, provided as we maintain good behavior, not dismay on our practices and serve the others in secret.

Choose the practice that most appeals to do it calmly, without haste and greed and you soon will get the first results. The first thing you will notice is a remarkable change in the clarity and content of your dreams.

A final recommendation. Before bedtime or to start your practices, you pray according to your beliefs, but with sincerity and with all the love that is possible. You can also get help by going to the Venerable Mistress Litelantes, because under her patronage and guardianship is made up this Church. Also you can invoke the Venerable Master Samael Aun Weor.

Finally, dear reader, you have our email, so contact us with any questions for clarification you may need, and of course, to hear of your personal achievements.

Well, get to work!



Spells and Exorcisms

Zodiac Practices

Astral projections

Vocalizations - Chakras

Video Conferencing (In Spanish)

Note: All the mantras and vocalizations must be pronounced as in Spanish language. For further information see our COMPILATION OF PRACTICES in Library, which has a figured pronunciation in English.


Prayer is addressed to the Deity, is to talk with who loves you and wants the best for you. Prayer becomes the way of that dialogue. There are prayers or magic formulas to forms and other pre-established in a free, spontaneous sprouting from the heart and thought. The good news is that both forms become applicable by a sincere spirit of Roganto.

The following prayers were given by Venerable Master Samael Aun Weor. The work from they were taken is synthesized and labeled with an arrow [–>]. For more information see our Library.


In the name of Jehovah God, Christ Jesus, pray for my brethren, my father, my mother, my children, my nephews and all friends who are good hearted, by my glory to God, the Father and the Holy Spirit. Amen. –> Occult Medicine and Practical Magic



Archangel Gabriel Annunciation

For conception

Mary experienced no pain during childbirth, because she conceived her son through the work and grace of the Holy Spirit. All the husbands and wives of the world can imitate Mary and Joseph, conceiving their children through the work and grace of the Holy Spirit, and not through fornication.

This is the marvelous key that will allow beautiful and intelligent children to be born.

The important thing is to know how to abstain oneself and to pray daily to the Holy Spirit and to his Holy Angel Gabriel, so that in our dreams we are made to be participants of the Annunciation.

The angel of the Lord will then reveal in ones dreams the day and hour in which the couple may perform the sacred act of fecundation.

This conception of the Holy Spirit will turn each home into a paradise; the disenchantments of love will disappear, and happiness will remain. All prayer to the Angel Gabriel shall be done in this way:

“O Lord of hosts, if thou wilt indeed look on the affliction of thine handmaid, and remember me, and not forget thine handmaid, but wilt give unto thine handmaid a man child, then I will give him unto the LORD all the days of his life, and there shall no razor come upon his head.” Amen. (Verse 11, Chapter I, 1 Samuel). –> The Book of the Virgin of Carmel

For Protection

The magic circle must be traced around this tree before collecting the leaves from it. Also, the four cardinal points of the earth must be blessed while reciting the prayer of the
Angel Gabriel, which is as follows:
“Thirteen thousand rays has the sun, thirteen thousand rays has the moon, thirteen
thousand times be repented all my enemies.”
The Angel Gabriel will reject all the visible and invisible evil entities with this prayer. –> Occult Medicine and Practical Magic.


O Divine God! I want Thou to help me to defeat this demon, that wherever I go Thou
shalt help me to defeat him. I want Thou to protect me from any evil that comes against
me. Save me from all evilness. Amen. –> Occult Medicine and Practical Magic



O Saint Martha, Thou art blessed, very beloved and worthy of God and Thou walk on the Mount Tabor. Thou entered and encountered the Great Serpent. Then, with the Mother of God’s girdle Thou tied and bound it. Thus, Thou bound the hearts of all my enemies who came against me in the name of the Eternal Father and of the Holy Trinity.” (Pronounce the “Apostle’s Creed three times).


The Gnostic Church is the authentic Church of our Lord the Christ. It is the temple of Initiations and it is situated within the Astral plane. Our Lord the Christ and the Holy Masters officiate there.
Whosoever reads our books and practices sexual magic will be internally connected with this temple. The disciple can also go there with his body of flesh and bones any time he wishes to do so. This can be done by practicing the procedure that I teach in the fifth chapter (“Humans and Lands in Jinn State”).
On Fridays and Sundays, the disciple can assist the ‘Pretor’ in order to receive the Holy Unction of bread and wine and in order to be cured of any sickness. This Church has 11,000 vestals. The twenty and four Elders of the Apocalypse (Reve lation) dwell there.
This Church has esoteric instruction rooms for the disciples, in which the Masters teach and instruct.
Whosoever wants to be united with his own Intimate necessarily has to pass through the Nine Arcades of the Nine Initiations of Lesser Mysteries. The aspirants to each Initiation have their rooms for their esoteric instruction.
Each Initiation has its degrees and each degree its ordeals. The human being is united with his Intimate in the High Initiation. This is how he is converted into a Master of Major Mysteries (read my book The Perfect Matrimony).
The Masters of the Holy Gnostic Church concur to the bed of the sick in order to heal them. A Gnostic Prayer exists, which every sick person must pronounce in order to ask the Masters for help. Behold, the prayer:


“Oh Thou, Solar Logos, igneous Emanation, substance and consciousness of christ, powerful life whereby everything advances, come unto me and penetrate me, enlighten me, bathe me, go through me and awaken within my Being all of those ineffable substances that are as much a part of Thee as well as part of me.
“Universal and cosmic force, mysterious energy, I conjure Thee, come unto me, remedy my affliction, cure me from this ill and put apart from me this suffering so I can have harmony, peace and health.
“I ask Thee in thy sacred name which the Mysteries and the Gnostic Church have taught me, so Thou can make vibrate with me all of the mysteries of this plane and superior planes, and that all of those forces together may achieve the miracle of my healing. Let it be.”


Prayer to Father Sun

I came, I came to your high beam [of sacrifice]
to your happiness you deserve Beautiful Lord,
because what you give is not bad,
the good things that are under your hand.

You have good and redemptive word.
I see what is good and what is wrong here on earth.
Give me light my true Father;
put a lot of insight into my thinking
and in my mind that they may revere every day ...
Verily I implore you beautiful Father in heaven.
Great are in your seat on High.
So I will revere beautiful One God.
You give the right just as bad here on earth.
I'll call ...
Songs of Dzitbalche (Song 2)

Prayer to the Father and Lord of the holders of Tunes

Father: I come to the front of my face
quite steep.
Nine days ago I have not been touched by woman,
nor have I allowed evil thoughts comes to mind.
Father, I come with my new clothes.
Also, as you shall see my Father,
I seek not the wickedness of sin in your sight,
my True Father, One God,
therefore is pure, white my soul,
I come to see you in your place, because I give you entirely
my will and my thoughts here on earth.
Only here you fully trust in the world.
For thou, O Great Sun!,
You give good here on earth to all things that have life;
by You are made to hold this land
where all men live
and you are the true redeemer who gives good.
Songs of Dzitbalche (Song 6)

Prayer that says each Uinal (month) by Physicians

(Monthly Physicians Prayer)

To ensure pomolché in forests,
beec in the woods ...
garment on earth planted bacalché,
bohom well in the east and the north,
and in the west and south.)

It comes from the four branches of the path of heaven
where is the house of the mat in governing wise Hunabkú,
one that reminds the man that life is hard here in the world
for whoever wanted to put in the effort to learn,
and that here on earth gives health because it is the Lord of Fire,
water, air, earth,
Lord of this world, of all things made by him.

The Lord is Hunabkú the giver of good and bad
between good and bad.
For he gives his light upon the earth;
because it is the Lord of all things
under their hands,
The same sun and the moon;
same smoking stars
which is like the bright flower of heaven;
the same rain clouds;
the same lightning that fly smaller;
the same birds than other animals;
the same ...
Songs of Dzitbalche (Song 9)


The Lord's Prayer

Our Father which art in heaven, (I.A.O.)
Hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come. (The Internal Worlds).
Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen

Note: This prayer was bequeathed to us by Our Lord the Christ, and it contains
seven sacred petitions so that the devotees of the path may ask for the grace of the
Most High.
Gnostics must do the will of the Father, on Earth as it is in Heaven. But men
generally call and invoke God so that He may do their will, that is to say, what is
contrary to God’s will

The Hail Mary

Hail Mary; (RAM-IO).
Full of grace.
The Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou among women,
And blessed is the fruit of thy womb (Iehsus).
Virgin Mary, Mother of God;
Pray for us sinners, those who have the sinning “I”;
Now and at the hour of the death of our defects (Egos).

Note: This Prayer, and the Our Father, must be said by all Gnostics before going
to bed, or in moments of danger.

* The Lord's Prayer is the most grandiose magical power to awaken the chakra of the heart.
To pray is to converse with God. The Lord's Prayer serves to converse with God.

The disciple will lie down on his bed comfortably. He will put aside from his mind all types of earthly thoughts and then very slowly, he will meditate during whole hours on each of the words and phrases of the Lord's Prayer, as if trying to converse with the Father who is in the heavens.

During this exercise the disciple should become profoundly sleepy. In visions of dreams, the Father who is in the heavens will appear to the student, and the disciple will be able to converse with him in a familiar manner.

The Father will be able to make the disciple see certain visions that the disciple should learn to interpret with the heart. In this way all disciples can converse with God. –> Practical Magic

* There are also many wonderful ritualistic ways, such as the Our Father. It is truly a prayer mantra. What is (really) is that we know how to pray.

While praying the Our Father, is precious. Frankly, when I pray the Our Father I spend an hour to pray it. It seem very exaggerated to say that spending an hour, but that's brothers, I can not deny it. The truth of the truth. It turns out that to do well, to ponder that prayer. And in meditation is spent at least an hour.

By meditating on the meaning of each sentence, we go too far. Now, if it occurs to us meditate on the meaning of each phrase of the Our Father in moments of being asleep, the result is beautiful. We will move from meditation to the state of Samadhi, ie go into ecstasy.

Then we can see face to face with the Father, the secret Father, our own Inner God. Then receive teachings of our own Inner God. We also talk with the most unspeakable beings in a state of deep meditation.

While praying the Our Father is precious, brothers. I usually spend one hour to pray the Our Father. Of course when I make a prayer, I do it in a very deep, deep meditation every word, every phrase, then fell asleep, terribly concentrated, and the result is always the internal lighting.

Aquarian Age is coming and we need to open all the powers, is about the era of light and we need to awake all the powers. More than ever we must now be practical ―and practical, I repeat― hundred percent.

The time to be spent theorizing end brothers. Now terrible events come to mankind, and it is good that we be ready. –> Matter, Energy, Mantras.

* Everyone says the Lord's Prayer: "Forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors."

But if one does not forgive their debtors, their enemies, with what right asks the Father to forgive?

What right it has, to apologize, when he is unable to give forgiveness? What right have to call mercy, where no pity is capable of giving? What right have to call charity, if is not able to give it? That's everyone: ask, but do not give, and that is very serious.

The Gnostic missionary should give. What will give? Wisdom and love for their fellowmen. That will bring: Will attend, to going to help, but with love. –> The Three Factors of the Revolution of Consciousness.


Our Father

Mathew 6:5 And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward.
6:6 But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.
6:7 But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking.

6:8 Be not ye therefore like unto them: for your Father knoweth what things ye have need of, before ye ask him.
6:9-13 After this manner therefore pray ye:

Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come.
Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil:
For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.

The latter part was added in some publications of the Bible, King James (or Reyna-Valera in Spanish) translation, as this is, a custom which dates back to the dawn of Christianity and survived in the Middle Age, even the Hebrew words used for the tree sefirots ―with Judeo-Christian syncretism― so Malkut is the kingdom, Chesed the power and Gebura the glory.

It is read: Tibi sunt Malkuth, Chesed et Gebura per Aeonas. Amen.

Indeed, prayer has changed over the centuries and usually are mixed versions of the exalted evangelists Matthew and Luke, but is fact that the original Vulgata ―St. Jerome's translation of the Bible, from Greek and Hebrew into vulgar, whence comes its name― where has this passage from St. Matthew taken, states clearly: “The daily supersubstancial bread, give us today.”

Below are several versions of this holy prayer, only for purposes of illustration, because we believe it is best to pray with devotion, with the heart, whatever version one adopts.

The above version tries to be as literal as possible in his translation from Latin, whichever include the words of St. Luke, our daily bread, give us today.

→ Vulgata:
Evangelium secundum Mathaeus (6:9-15)
Pater noster qui in caelis es
sanctificetur nomen tuum
veniat regnum tuum
fiat voluntas tua sicut in caelo et in terra
panem nostrum supersubstantialem da nobis hodie
et dimitte nobis debita nostra sicut et nos dimisimus debitoribus nostris
et ne inducas nos in temptationem
sed libera nos a malo.{Amen}

→ Catholic:
(taken from eighteenth-century devotional work)
Pater noster, qui es in caelis:
sanctificetur nomen tuum:
adveniat regnum tuum:
fiat voluntas tua, sicut in caelo, et in terra.
Panem nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie:
et dimitte nobis debita nostra, sicut et nos dimisimus debitoribus nostris.
Et ne inducas nos in temptationem:
sed libera nos a malo. Amen

→ Vulgata:
Evangelium Secundum Lucas (11:2-4)
Pater sanctificetur nomen tuum
adveniat regnum tuum
panem nostrum cotidianum da nobis cotidie
et dimitte nobis peccata nostra siquidem et ipsi dimittimus omni debenti nobis
et ne nos inducas in temptationem

6:14 For if ye forgive men their trespasses [debts], your heavenly Father will also forgive you:
6:15 But if ye forgive not men their trespasses [debts], neither will your Father forgive your trespasses [debts].

Ask and Ye Shall Receive

Mathew 7:7 Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:
7:8 For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.
7:9 Or what man is there of you, whom if his son ask bread, will he give him a stone?
7:10 Or if he ask a fish, will he give him a serpent?
7:11 If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him?
7:12 Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets.



The pentagram expresses the dominion of the spirit over the elements of nature. With this magical sign we can command the elemental creatures of nature that inhabit the regions of fire, air, water and earth. Before this terrible symbol, demons tremble and run away terrified.
            The pentagram with the superior point upwards causes the tenebrous to flee. The pentagram with the point downwards serves to call the tenebrous. Placed at the threshold with the superior point inwards and the two inferior angles outwards, it prevents black magicians from passing. The pentagram is the blazing star. The pentagram is the symbol of the Verb made flesh. According to the direction of its rays it can represent God or the demon. The immolated lamb or the he-goat of Mendes. When the pentagram lifts its superior ray towards heaven, it represents Christ. When the pentagram lifts its two inferior points towards heaven, it represents Satan.
            The pentagram represents the complete man. With the superior ray upwards, it is the Master. With the superior ray downwards and the two inferior angles upwards, it is the fallen angel. Every fallen Boddhisattwa is an inverted blazing star. Every initiate who allows himself to fall is, in fact, an inverted blazing star.
            The best electrum is a blazing star with the seven metals that correspond to the seven planets. These are the following: silver for the Moon; mercury for Mercury; copper for Venus; gold for the Sun; iron for Mars; tin for Jupiter and lead for Saturn.
            One can make medallions and rings to wear on the ring finger from these.
            The blazing star can also be drawn on a white lambskin to be kept in the bedroom. It can be used at the threshold of the nuptial bedroom. In this way we can stop the tenebrous from entering the bedroom. We can also draw the pentagram on glass and this terrorizes ghosts and demons.
            The pentagram is the symbol of the universal word of life. With certain secret mantra the pentagram can be made to shine instantly.
            In the Krishna and Gopalatapani Upanisadas we have found the mantra that has the power to instantly form the terrible blazing star in the astral plane, from which demons run away terrified. This mantra is made up of five parts, which are:
By vocalizing this mantra, the blazing star is instantly formed from which the tenebrous of the eighteenth arcane run away terrified. These demons violently attack the initiate when he is working in the Great Work. The devotees of the Perfect Marriage have to fight tremendous battles against the tenebrous. Each vertebrate of the spinal column represents terrible battles against the black magicians. These struggle to keep the student away from the path of the razor's edge.
            The powerful mantra mentioned above has three perfectly defined stages. While reciting Klim, which the occultists of India call the seed of attraction, we provoke a flow of Christic energy to descend instantly from the world of the Solar Logos to protect us, and then it opens a mysterious door below. By means of the three following parts of the mantra the Christic energy is infused in the reciter, and, finally, by means of the fifth part, the person who has received the Christic energy can radiate a tremendous force to defend himself from the tenebrous. Then these run away terrified.
            The Word always crystallizes in geometric lines. This can be demonstrated by magnetic tapes. When speech is recorded on a tape each letter crystallizes into geometric forms. Afterwards, it is sufficient to make the tape vibrate in the tape recorder for the speech to be repeated. God geometrized. The word takes on geometric forms. These mantras cited by us have the power of forming the blazing star instantly in the supra-sensible world. This star is a vehicle of Christic force. This star represents the Word.
            Everyone who is working in the flaming forge of Vulcan can defend themselves with this powerful mantra. This mantra is vocalized by pronouncing each syllable. With this mantra one can exorcise demons that control the possessed.
            It is urgent to learn how to create the blazing star instantly. With this mantra we can create the star to combat the tenebrous. -> The Perfect Marriage
* But, before lying down do the sign of the Microcosmic Star. To that effect, the arms are raised upwards until the palms of the hands touch each other above the head. Next, they are extended so that they remain in a horizontal position, forming a cross with the rest of the body; lastly, the forearms are crossed over the chest, touching this region with the palm, while the fingertips reach the front of the shoulders.
            Our adorable Saviour of the world, Jesus the Christ, used this mysterious key not revealed until now by us, when he studied in the pyramids of Kephren.
            Now then, Master Huiracocha advised the burning of some aromatic substance, some incense, or simply impregnate the room with a good perfume. –> Logos, Mantram, Theurgy


When you trace around yourself a Magic Circle, whether it is with your sword, with your willpower and imagination united in vibrating harmony, or with both at the same time, you must pronounce the following Mantras:
The Magician defends himself against attacks from the demons with the Magic Circle and the Esoteric Pentagram. –> Occult Medicine and Practical Magic

* The magical circle serves as defense from the attacks of the tenebrous ones. This circle should not be completely closed since it will be interrupted in its trajectory by the Seal of Solomon.
            This seal is integrated by the two antagonistic ternaries: the ternary of light and the ternary of darkness.
            The first is the Inner Christ of every man: the shining Dragon of Wisdom: Father, Son, Holy Spirit. The second is the Black Dragon of the three heads: the psychological "I." And this psychological "I" is made up of the Three Traitors which assassinated Hiram Abiff, who at the same time, this master, was the superior ternary of man, his Inner God.
            The Black Dragon is triune: he controls the Astral, Mental and Causal bodies. This is the Medusa whose head is planted with poisonous serpents.
            Now: every man should decapitate this Medusa with the flaming sword of Perseus.
            In this manner, the disciple who wants to defend himself against the action of black magic should accustom himself to mentally forming the circle. This can be done surrendering to sleep or each time that it is needed. –> Logos, Mantram, Theurgy


Woe unto the bold one who dared to call the prince of demons without being properly prepared! Woe unto such an intrepid one because he died under the claws of the horrible beast!
Yet, the very well disciplined Magician, firm as a warrior, was extending his right hand towards the prince of demons, and conjuring him with the following words:
“In the name of Jupiter, father of all gods, I conjure you, Te Vigos Cossilim!” Then, the monster was remaining still. -> The Revolution of Bel


I conjure all thy enemies, just as much thy internal as thy external ones, in the portal of Belen.
I conjure them and I conjure them once again in case they have a pact with the Devil, Black Magic or backward creeds.
I conjure them, so that they shall come humble to thy feet, as the Lamb of Christ reached the foot of the Cross.
I conjure them, so that they shall come meek, as the Lamb reached from the Cross to the Eternal Father.
With two I see them and with three I fasten them, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.” Explanation: 2 is Mother Nature and 3 is the three primary forces. –> Occult Medicine and Practical Magic


One of the most astonishing Medic-Magicians from the Sierra Nevada of Santa Marta was the Indian Ceferino Maravita. Sick people who suffer sicknesses which are due to witchcraft must call every night to the ‘Mama’ Ceferino Maravita, so he can cure them from their illness.
The following invocation must be performed:
“In the name of Kalusuanga, the primeval God of light, son of the seven red seas and of the seven rays from the Sun, I invoke Thee, Mama Ceferino Maravita, so Thou can cure me from my illness. Amen.”


Caput mortum, imperet tibi Dominus per vivum et devotum serpentem!
Cherub, imperet tibi Dominus per Adam Jot-Chavah!
Aquila errans, imperet tibi Dominus per alas tauri!
Serpens, imperet tibi Dominus Tetragrammaton, per Angelum et Leonem!
Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Anael!
Fluat udor per Spiritum Elohim!
Manet in terra per Adam Jot-Chavah!
Fiat firmamentum per Jehovah-Sabaoth!
Fiat judicium per ignem in virtute Michael!
Angel of the blind eyes, obey or pass away with this holy water!
Work winged bull, or return to the earth, if you do not want to be goaded with this sword!
Chained eagle, obey this sign, or fly before this breathing!
Writhing serpent, crawl at my feet, or be tortured by this sacred fire and evaporate before the perfumes that I burn in it!
Water, return to water!
Fire, burn!
Air, circulate!
Earth, revert to earth! By virtue of the Pentagram, which is the Morning Star, and by the name of the Tetragram, which is written in the center of the Cross of Light!
Amen. Amen. Amen.


In the name of Michael, may Jehovah command thee and drive thee hence, Chavajot!
In the name of Gabriel, may Adonai command thee, and drive thee hence Bael!
In the name of Raphael, begone before Elial, Samgabiel!
By Samael Sabaoth, and in the name of Elohim Gibor, get thee hence, Andramelek!
By Zachariel and Sachel-Melek, be obedient unto Elvah, Sanagabril!
By the divine and human name of Shaddai, and by the sign of the Pentagram which I hold in my right hand, in the name of the angel Anael, by the power of Adam and Eve, who are Jot-Chavah, begone Lilith! Let us rest in peace, Nahemah!
By the Holy Elohim and by the names of the genii Cashiel, Sehaltiel, Aphiel and Zarahiel, at the command of Orifiel, depart from us Moloch! We deny thee our children to devour!
Amen, Amen, Amen.

(One has to conjure the tenebrous with the sword.)


Powers of the kingdom, be ye under my left foot and in my right hand!
Glory and Eternity, take me by the two shoulders, and direct me in the paths of victory!
Mercy and Justice, be ye the equilibrium and splendour of my life!
Intelligence and Wisdom, crown me!
Spirits of malchuth, lead me between the two pillars upon which rests the whole edifice of the Temple!
Angels of Netzach and Hod, establish me upon the cubic stone of Jesod!
Oh Gedulael! Oh Geburael! Oh Tiphereth!
Binael, be my love.
Ruach Hochmael, be thou my light!
Be that which thou art and thou shalt be! Oh Ketheriel!
Ischim, assist me in the name of Shaddai!
Cherubim, be my strength in the name of Adonai.
Beni-Elohim, be my brethren in the name of the Son, the Chist, and by the virtues of Sabaoth.
Elohim, fight for me in the name of the TETRAGRAMMATON
Malachim, protect me in the name of IOD-HE-VAUHE.
Seraphim, cleanse my love in the name of Eloah.
Hasmalim, enlighten me with the splendours of Elohim and Schechinah!
Aralim, act!
Ophanim, revolve and shine.
Ha-Jot-Ha-Kadosh. Cry, speak, roar, bellow!
Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh.
Shaddai, Adonai, Jot-Chavah, Eye-Asher-Eye.
Hallelu-Jah. Hallelu-Jah. Hallelu-Jah.
Amen, Amen, Amen.



First, must be done the magic circle and say the spells of Four and Seven, and the Invocation of Solomon.

The fire is related to the south and the sword, the air with the eastern and feather of high-flying bird, the water to the west and the earth to the north and the staff of seven knots.


Oh my Father, my God, my Beloved, I ask you with all my Heart and with all my Soul, that you invoke the Gods of the Elementals of Air: MICHAEL, MICHAEL, MICHAEL. ZABTABIEL, ZABTABIEL, ZABTABIEL. PARVATI, PARVATI, PARVATI. We invoke thee, we call upon thee, in the Name of Christ, by the Power of Christ, by the Majesty of Christ. Concede to us the favor of ordering and commanding the Sylphs and Sylphids of the Air.


Obey me Sylphs and Sylphids of the air, by the Christ, by the Christ, by the Christ. Amen.

Sylphs and Sylphids of the air we order thee in the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, to protect this site (home or room) in the Orient (+), in the West (+), in the North (+) and in the South (+)  so that the forces of evil will not be able to cause any harm to this place or to the persons that attend this place.


Oh My Father, my Lord, my God, I ask you with all my heart and with all my soul that you invoke the God of Water: VARUNA! VARUNA! VARUNA! We invoke thee, we call upon thee, in the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Concede to us the favor of ordering and commanding the undines and nereids of water.

Amen, Amen, Amen.

Undines and Nereids of water we order thee in the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, to protect this site (home or room) in the Orient (+), in the west (+), in the north (+) and in the south (+) so that the forces of evil will not be able to cause any harm to this place or to the persons who attend this place.


Oh my Father, my God, my Lord, I ask you with all my heart and with all my soul, that you invoke the God of Earth: KITICHI! KITICHI! KITICHI! CHAM- GAM! CHAM-GAM! CHAM-GAM! ARBARMAN! ARBARMAN! ARBARMAN! GOP! GOP! GOP! We invoke the, we call upon thee, in the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Concede to us the favor of ordering and commanding the gnomes of the earth.

By the pole of the lodestone that passes through the world, by the twelve stones of the Holy City, by the seven metals that run inside the veins of earth and in the name of Gop, obey me subterranean workers.

Gnomes and pygmies of the earth, we order thee in the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, to protect this site (home or room) in the orient (+), in the west (+), in the north (+) and in the south (+) so that the forces of evil will not be able to cause any harm to this place or to the persons that attend this place.


Oh my Father, my God, my Beloved, I ask you with all my heart and with all my soul, to invoke for me the God of the Elementals of Fire: AGNI, AGNI, AGNI, we invoke thee, we call upon thee, in the Name of Christ, by the power of Christ, by the Majesty of Christ. Concede to us the grace of ordering and commanding the Salamanders of Fire.

MICHEAL, King of the Sun and the Ray SAMAEL, King of the Volcanoes ANAEL, Prince of the astral Light. Assist us in the Name of Christ, by the power of Christ, by the Majesty of Christ.

Salamanders of Fire: I ordered on behalf of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, to protect this site (home or room) on the east (+) to the west (+) to the north (+) and south (+ ) so that the forces of evil can not cause any damage to this place or the people who attend it. -> Practical Magic



Besides, it is convenient to have beside the victim brazier with well lit red-hot coals. In this way, the theurgian will perform fast and vigorous magnetic passes, with his right hand, over those sick organs, and will then cast those harmful, deleterious fluids, that have been unfastened from the victim, into the burning charcoal.
            Moreover, it is indispensable to place salt and alcohol in a plate. But, the salt should be previously prepared with the following exorcism:

In isto sale sit sapientia, et at omni corruptione servet mentes nostras et corpora nostra, per Hochmael et in virtute Ruach Hochmael, recedant ab isto fantasmata hylae ut sit sal coelestis, sal terrae et terris salis, ut nutrieturbos triturans et addat spei nostrae cornua auri volantis. Amen.

Next, fire is applied on the alcohol so that it burns with the salt. It is on the precise instant that the invocation of Solomon will be prayed.
            Once the ceremony is ended, the patient will drink the water on the table because the sacred medicines are already in that water.
            Saint Thomas used to say that sage and rue should be used against spells, both as a drink as well as burning as aromatic substances.
            The procedure we have revealed and taught here to heal the sick who have been harmed by bewitchments with dolls, can be employed successfully to combat all kinds of evil spells. -> Logos Mantra Theurgy.



 The disciple should sit on a comfortable chair and remain thoughtless for five minutes.

 He should then pray to his Intimus as follows:
 "Father, you who are my true being, I beg that you transport yourself to the main star of the constellation of Aries, to bring the principal genie of that constellation to this humble house, so that he may heal my brain and awaken all the occult powers of my head."

Then, with interlaced hands above his heart, the disciple will make a small bow of the head saluting the guardian at the right column, inhaling deeply, as in a sigh and immediately pronounces the password: JACHIN. Immediately, he will make an identical salute to the guardian on the left and pronounce the password: BOAZ. He will once again pray to his Intimus like this: Father, take the seven sacred steps within, towards the interior of the temple and kneel down at the feet of the principal genie of Aries, begging him to come and awaken the powers of my brain and to flood my head with light." Then the disciple pronounces the mantra: AOM. This mantra is pronounced properly opening the mouth with the vowel "A," rounding it off with the vowel "O," and closing it with the letter "M," like this: aaaaaaaaaaooooooooommmmm.

This mantra is pronounced four times with the intention that the light flood our entire brain. Next, the disciple will stand up; extend his right hand forward and move his head seven times forward, seven times backwards, seven rotations to the right and seven times to the left, with the intention that light flood and act within all the glands of the brain.
The pineal gland is influenced by Mars and the pituitary by Venus. The pituitary produces sleepiness and the pineal gland incites us to fight; and in this manner, while Venus wants to sleep, Mars wants to continue fighting.

During this sign, the disciple should vocalize daily for one hour, the vowel "i," like this: iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.
            This vowel will cause your pineal gland to vibrate and finally you will become clairvoyant. Developed, the pineal gland converts us into supermen, and atrophied, it converts us into idiots. It is found developed in the chaste and atrophied in fornicators.
Therefore, good disciple, if you want to convert thyself into an angel, thou art totally prohibited from all coition.
The pineal gland is the window of Brahma: a fountain of accumulation for the magician and the disciple should practice before going to bed nightly, this other exercise:
Sit on a comfortable chair, during half an hour. Close your eyes. Remove all thought from your mind. Then, imagine that the fire from the constellation of Aries descends from heaven and penetrates in the igneous columns through your pineal gland.
This gland is situated in the superior portion of the brain and the power to see the ultra of all things resides in it.
If the disciple carries out the exercises of Aries with tenacity and constancy, he will become an enlightened clairvoyant. During these exercises, the disciple will be assisted by the hierarchies of Aries and they will awaken his powers and heal his brain with special treatments. The disciple will also be able to use the power of those hierarchies to heal others.
Aries is the house of Mars and Mars is the planet of war. The red hierarchies of Mars, gave man the Astral body; Samael is the supreme chief of the astral plane; he and his warriors. Meditating daily on the tattwa Tejas, we activate the powers of the Astral body. The tattwa Tejas or igneous ether is the cause causorum of all flame. The astral plane is the ardent world.


The disciple should sit on a comfortable chair. Close your eyes, remove all thought from your mind, make yourself a little drowsy and then focus your mind inwards, towards the Intimus, praying like this:

"My Father, now transport yourself to the principal star of Taurus, enter through the doors of the heart‑temple making the salutes which you already know and beg the sidereal genie and his angels of that star to condescend and come to me, so that they may prepare me and cure my larynx."
Then, already sleepy, the disciple should imagine seeing light accumulated in his head now descending to his throat, while he pronounces the word: A.O.M. With the vowel "A" he imagines the light descending from his head to his throat; with the vowel "O," he will imagine the light flooding his throat; and with the vowel "M," the disciple will exhale the breath as if expiring the refuse that resides in his throat. This mantra is pronounced four times.
I will warn my disciple that the salutes as I have described them when I spoke of Venus, along with the passwords "Jachin" and "Boaz," apply to all the stars in the sky.
 Therefore, the genii of the constellation of Taurus will personally come to awaken the powers of the larynx and if the disciple has any laryngeal illness, he can ask of these genii of Taurus to be cured and they will cure him. The disciple will also be able to take advantage of these powers to heal others.
The disciple should daily vocalize the vowel "E," like this: eeeeeeeeeeee, for one hour.
The vibratory sound of this vowel will awaken the power of the occult ear in him.
The vowel "E" causes the Thyroid gland, which is the center of the magical ear, to vibrate.
The vowel "E" also develops clairvoyance of the Mental body in us.
The vowel "E" makes the Mental body vibrate and gives us conceptual synthetism and the power to penetrate the intimate sense of words.



The disciple should lie horizontally on his bed, relax his body and take five breaths of air with the intention that light now penetrates his lungs and bronchi. He will open his arms and legs with each inhalation and will close them with each exhalation. Then, seated on a comfortable chair, he will ask his Intimus to betake himself to the constellation of Gemini to bring the sidereal Gods of those temples, so that they will prepare his organism for practical magic.



 Sit on a comfortable chair; close thy eyes; remove all thought from thy mind; focus the mind on thy Intimus and pray like this:
"Father: you who art my true Being, I beg you Lord to enter the heart‑temple of the Moon to bring me the Angel Gabriel. Do the Salutes, my Lord... Amen." Then, direct thyself to the four cardinal points and perform the following invocation of the Angel Gabriel, blessing the north, south, east and west:


  "Thirteen thousand rays has the Sun, thirteen thousand rays has the Moon, thirteen thousand times may the enemies I have, repent!"

The disciple will pray to the Angel Gabriel to prepare his body to become invisible, or to transform his face, stop a bullet or knife in a moment of danger, or to materialize any superior entity. Iamblichus, the great theurgist, made the sidereal Gods visible in the physical world because he had his body well prepared.
The Angel Gabriel will occultly treat the spleen and certain centers of the spinal column in the disciple. When the latter can already make visible and tangible the Angel Gabriel in the physical plane, it is because his body is prepared. Then, in a moment of danger he will do the invocation of the Angel Gabriel and if the disciple wants to become invisible, the Angel Gabriel will erase him from the sight of the enemies, or will transform his face if the disciple so desires. The invocation will always be done blessing the four cardinal points.
These exercises, to prepare the body, are practised our entire lifetime.
When the theurgist has his body well prepared, he can make the sidereal Gods visible in the physical plane. This requires patience and perseverance, because nothing is obtained like a gift. Everything costs struggle and sacrifice.
The forces that descend from heaven, on arriving at our thymus gland, meet the forces that ascend through our organism from the earth, and there, in the thymus gland, the two triangles of the superior and inferior forces interlace to form the seal of Solomon.


            Seated, imagine this marvelous encounter of the cosmic forces forming the seal of Solomon at the thymus gland and sunk in profound inner meditation, pray to thy Intimus to enter the sidereal temple of the principal star of Cancer, to bring thee the principal hierarchies of that constellation, so that they may awaken thy inner powers and give that gland a treatment. Vocalize the letter "A" one hour daily.
The natives of Cancer are peaceful, but too wrathful at times. They have an aptitude for manual arts, are very sensible and their character changes with the lunar phases. Things go well for them on long journeys. They are very romantic, amorous and very tenacious.



During the sign of Leo, we should act on the heart, through meditation. Inner meditation consists of three phases:
            1st Perfect Concentration
            2nd Perfect Meditation
            3rd Perfect Samadhi
One has to concentrate the mind on the Inner Master. One has to meditate on the majesty of the Inner Master. One has to talk with the Inner Master, until one hears his voice and converses ineffable things with HIM...
This is called Samadhi.
Concentration is one technique. On page 17, in "The Voice of the Silence" H.P.B. says the following and I quote:
            "Before the soul can hear, the image (man) has to become as deaf to roarings as to whispers, to cries and bellowing elephants as to the silvery buzzing of the golden firefly."
"Before the soul can comprehend and may remember, she must unto the Silent Speaker be united just as the form to which the clay is modelled, is first united with the potter's mind."
"For then the soul will hear, and will remember."
"And then to the inner ear speak- The Voice of the Silence."
So then, we should especially practice inner meditation during this sign of Leo. I advice my disciples to practice inner meditation during those instants in which they feel more predisposed to sleep. You should totally dominate the untamed horse of the mind. You should control all possible reactions of the mind before the objects and sounds of the physical world.
The Inner Master is not the mind. The Inner Master is not emotion; the Inner Master is not the Will; the Inner Master is not the consciousness nor the intelligence.
 The Inner Master is the divine witness. The Inner Master is the Being. The Inner Master is the Intimus; therefore, while sunk in deep inner meditation, say:
Be demanding with thy Inner Master, he should teach thee the most ineffable things. If thy concentration is intense, then thou shall penetrate in the marvels of the cosmos and will learn things which are impossible to describe with words.
Vocalize daily the vowel "O" during this sign of Leo, to awaken the heart chakra.


During the zodiacal sign of Virgo, thou should vocalize the vowel "U" daily to develop the telepathic center of the solar plexus, like this: uuuuuuuuuuuuu during one hour daily.
Sit in a comfortable chair, focus thy mind on thy Intimus and ask him to betake himself to the heart temples of the stars of Virgo, so that he may bring the Gods of Virgo to thy house, so that they may awaken thy virgin powers and heal thy stomach.
Be assured, beloved reader, that the Sidereal Gods will attend thy call.
Thy Intimus can enter and leave the body anytime he wants and due to this, he is not enslaved in the body.



Stand up, with the feet firm and arms extended to the sides in the form of a cross, or scale and move inclining the waist seven times to the right and seven towards the left, with the intention that all our energies become balanced in our kidneys.


Sexual magic is the practice for this sign.


 Squat, like the Peruvian guacas. Place your hands on your legs, with the index fingers pointing upwards, towards heaven, to attract the rays of Jupiter, exactly as Huiracocha teaches us, so that we may intensely magnetize the femorals.
The mantra is "ISIS," which is pronounced vocalizing it like this: iiiiiiisssssssiiiiiiisssssss, pronouncing a sibilant sound, with the S like that of the wind. With this clue you will totally awaken clairvoyance, and will obtain the power t read the "Akashic" records of Nature.
            We now have to meditate intensely on the Intimus, begging him to bring us the Angel Zachariel to help us.



The following exercise should be practised during the sign of Capricorn:
A coffin should be imagined on the floor and the disciple should walk over this imagined coffin but leaving it between his legs, and he will walk with bent knees as if to clear an obstacle, and making the knees spin from left to right, with the intention that they become charged with the lead of Saturn, such a our great guru Huiracocha taught us.
It is also urgent to practice the exercises of internal meditation daily, praying to our Intimus to transport himself to the sidereal temples to bring before us the principal genii of that constellation, so that they may awaken the chakras and powers of the knees.


While massaging his calves from below upwards, the disciple will pray like this:


"Energy, pass through! Energy, pass through! Penetrate my organism; current that comes from below, ascend and unite with your sister; the current which comes from above, from heaven, from Uranus."
The disciple will then submit himself to internal meditation, praying to his Intimus that he may enter the sidereal temples of Aquarius, to bring thee the genii of that constellation so that you may achieve illumination.
Aquarius is house of Uranus, and this planet brings chastity, the "genie's" originality, wisdom. The natives of Aquarius are independent and possess great willpower; they are intuitive and love to travel a lot. They love science and wisdom. They have a disposition for the natural sciences.


During Pisces it is necessary to vocalize the seven vowels as follows: iiiiiiiiii eeeeeeeeee oooooooooo uuuuuuuuuu aaaaaaaaaa mmmmmmmmmm ssssssssss
The sound of each of these vowels should be taken from our head to our feet. Master Huiracocha says that one hour of daily vocalization is worth more than reading a million books of oriental theosophy.
Pisces influences the feet, which are the sieves through which the energies that rise from the genie of the earth, enter.
Our past lives are written in the lines of our feet, and the ceremony of washing the feet, performed by the Divine Redeemer of the world, means that the "Divine Lamb" has come to wash away our past faults with his blood.
Christ is the lamb of God who washes away the sins of the world. -> Zodiacal Curse



Every disciple is assisted by a guru, by the guardian master or guardian angel. Before trying the exercise to leave in the astral, invoke the help of the master or guardian angel. Before anything else, pray to the Inner God so that he may, in sacred language, call the guru.
Undoubtedly, that master finds it feasible to take the disciple out, consciously, in the Astral body.
Not a few students have totally ruined their faculties with the bad habits and customs they had in past reincarnations. Now, they suffer the unutterable because in spite of knowing all the Gnostic keys, they do not achieve travelling consciously in the Astral body.
In the Amazon jungles and the Putumayo, is a portentous plat named "Yague." The Piachis of the tribe take that plant by infusion mixed with "Guarumo" and travel in the astral. If a Gnostic student does not possess the faculty of leaving consciously in the astral, he should drink that infusion, and he would instantly achieve the conscious projection. If he used it daily, he would acquire the faculty of travelling in the astral for some time. Later, even if he was to not drink it, he will no longer need it because that faculty will have been installed permanently in him. –> Occult Medicine and Practical Magic


During the hours of sleep, every human travels in astral, floats out of the physical body. Unfortunately, human beings wander during sleep, in the inner worlds with their consciousness absolutely asleep also. Usually, they dedicate themselves to the same tasks of daily life. If someone was to awaken consciousness when dedicated to nocturnal tasks, he will have the opportunity of contemplating with their astral eyes all the marvels of the superior worlds, and will be able to dedicate himself to the study of the great mysteries of life and death.
 We will reveal a key precisely to awaken consciousness in the astral during the time of normal sleep, in the superior worlds.


During the waking state, in each instant during the hustle and bustle of daily life, we need to get accustomed to the exercise of discernment. When a student sees, for example a beautiful sunset with all its purple colours, the most logical thing that should be done is to ask oneself: am I in the Astral body? Am I travelling out of the physical body?
Next, try taking a small jump, a hop upwards, with the intention of floating. If he manages to float it is because he is in the Astral body. It is because fe left his physical body sleeping in bed, inactive, although with all its vital faculties.
Gnostic disciples should admit and remember that during sleep the souls astrally see things exactly the same as those existing in the physical world; because of that, anyone firmly believes he is in the physical body. It is just that the law of levitation reigns in the inner worlds while in the physical world the law of gravity reigns!
 Therefore, the small jump solves the problem and if one floats in the astral, consciousness awaken. Every detail, everything worthy of curiosity, every beautiful view of nature, should be a reason for the student to ask the question and to execute the hop. –> Occult Medicine and Practical Magic


In the name of that which is Real, I declare the following: according to the teachings of the Christian Gospel, I asked and it was given to me, I searched and did find, I knocked and it was opened.

When dealing with such long and complex studies as those of the Rosicrucians, it is unquestionable that there is no way in which all the topics could be contained in the narrow frame of the present chapter; therefore I will only synthesize and draw some conclusions.

FRONTAL CHAKRA. It is developed by the intonation of the vowel I, as follows: iiiiiiii. Faculty: Clairvoyance.

LARYNGEAL CHAKRA. It is developed by singing the vowel E, as follows: eeeeeeee. Faculty: Magic Hearing.

CARDIAC CHAKRA. It is developed by vocalizing the letter O, as follows: oooooooo. Faculties: Intuition, inspiration, astral projection, etc., etc.

UMBILICAL CHAKRA. It is developed by singing the vowel U, as follows: uuuuuuuu. Faculties: Telepathy.

PULMONARY CHAKRA. These are developed by singing the letter A, as follows: aaaaaaaa. Faculty: Remembrance of past existences.

I.E.O.U.A. is the order of the vowels. All mantras are formed with these letters.

Dr Krumm Heller used to say that an hour of daily vocalization was better than reading a million books on pseudoesotericism and pseudooccultism.

I used to inhale with supreme ardor the Christic Prana, the vital breath of the mountains, and then exhaled slowly, making the corresponding vowel resonate.

For the sake of clarity, I shall indicate that each vowel was preceded by an inhalation, and that it resonated only at the exhalation. It is obvious that I inhaled by the nostrils and exhaled by the mouth.

Concrete Results.- All my astral chakras or magnetic centres intensified their vibratory activity rotating positively from left to right like the hands of a clock observed from the front, and not from its side.

Retrospective Exercise.- Using a fair amount of didactics, the professor taught us a certain marvelous retrospective exercise.

He advised us never to move in bed at the exact instant of awakening, explaining to us that with such a movement the astral body is agitated, and the recollections are lost. It is unquestionable that during the hours of sleep the human soul travels outside the physical body; it is important not to forget our intimate experiences when returning to the body.

He suggested to us to practice a retrospective exercise at that precise moment with the aim of remembering facts, occurrences and places visited during dreams.

Results.- I solemnly declare that such a psychical exercise had astonishing results, because my recollections became more vivid, intense and deep. –> The Three Mountains